Getting JavaScript working in SQLcl in 2025 is not straightforward. Here is how I did it on macOS using GraalVM.
When trying out the Free Oracle 23ai Database Docker Image I always encountered the same issue. The database wouldn't start. Here is how I fixed it.
My upgrade journey from dockerized Oracle 23c FREE to 23ai
Advent of Code 2023 in Oracle SQL and PL/SQL. Day 7: Camel Cards.
Advent of Code 2023 in Oracle SQL and PL/SQL. Day 1 and 2.
My solution for the tenth day of the Advent of Code 2022 challenge "Cathode-Ray Tube" with Oracle. We simulate a CPU and a Pixel-Screen in pure SQL!
My solution for the seventh day of the Advent of Code 2022 challenge "No Space Left On Device" with Oracle. Today with a tree (not for christmas)...
My solution for the fifth day of the Advent of Code 2022 challenge "Supply Stacks" with Oracle. Its starting to get complex...
My solution for the third day of the Advent of Code 2022 challenge "Rucksack Reorganization" with Oracle. Its starting to get complex...
My solution for the second day of the Advent of Code 2022 challenge "Rock Paper Scissors" with Oracle. This time in pure SQL.
My solution for the first day of Advent of Code 2022 challenge "Calorie Counting" with Oracle.
APEX_T_VARCHAR2 is a database type that comes with an Oracle APEX installation. I use it quite frequently and think that with it you can write better code.
APEX 22.1 changed a lot to the actions interface and added a new method with which we can call them easily from links.
Maps (not cartography but the data store) are a powerful tool for storing and accessing data in memory. In Oracle PL/SQL they are available too under the name Associative Arrays.
With two lines in your zsh config file, Oracle SQLcl will still work after an upgrade with Homebrew.
I want to share a little script I wrote which generates a DML scripts for blob values like images. The output script can be used in your schema install script with your other master data.